A library that wants to expose new tags to MXHX may create an XML manifest that maps tag names to fully-qualified class names.
Manifest file format
The following example manifest defines two new tags.
<component id="MyComponent" class="com.example.MyComponent"/>
<component id="AnotherComponent" class="com.example.AnotherComponent" params="t,u"/>
Each <component>
entry in the manifest must define two required attributes:
id defines the name of the MXHX tag as it will be exposed to MXHX code (not including the namespace prefix).
In most cases, it makes sense to use the Haxe class name without the package as the id, but this is not strictly required.
class is the fully-qualified Haxe class name, including the package, to be instantiated by the tag.
There is one optional field:
- params defines the attribute names that will be used to expose the class' type parameters. If there are multiple type parameters, they attribute names must be separated by commas. In the example above, the attributes
are assigned to the type parametersT
for classAnotherComponent<T, U>
Loading manifests
For MXHXComponent
A manifest may be registered with mxhx.macros.MXHXComponent
in a Haxe initialization macro.
The following example creates a class with a static initialize()
method that may be used as an initialization macro. If this class is located at ./src/com/example/macros/MXHXMacro.hx, it assumes that the manifest may be found at ./mxhx-manifest.xml (in the parent directory of src).
package com.example.macros;
#if macro
import haxe.macro.Context;
import haxe.macro.Expr;
class MXHXMacro {
private static final NS_URI = "";
private static final MANIFEST_FILE_NAME = "mxhx-manifest.xml";
public static function initialize():Void {
var libraryPath = getLibraryPath();
if (libraryPath == null) {
var manifestPath = Path.join([libraryPath, MANIFEST_FILE_NAME]);
mxhx.macros.MXHXComponent.registerManifest(NS_URI, manifestPath);
private static function getLibraryPath():String {
var t = Context.getModule("com.example.macros.MXHXMacro");
var filePath:String = null;
switch (t[0]) {
case TInst(t, params):
filePath = Context.getPosInfos(t.get().pos).file;
return null;
return Path.join([, "..", "..", ".."]);
To use this initialization macro, specify the --macro
compiler option.
In an .hxml file:
--macro com.example.macros.MXHXMacro.initialize()
In an OpenFL project.xml file:
<haxeflag name="--macro" value="com.example.macros.MXHXMacro.initialize()"/>