Data Binding

The experimental language namespace supports data binding, which makes it possible to automatically update a property after another property has changed. Data bindings may be created declaratively using either the <mx:Binding> tag or by adding Haxe expressions inside curly braces { and } as part of property assignments.

Warning! Data binding in either form is not currently supported by the language namespace. To use data bindings, you must use the experimental language namespace.

The <mx:Binding> tag requires a source and a destination. In the following example, we'll assume that an MXHX document declares a simple GUI containing a numeric slider and a label to display some text. When the slider's value changes, the binding will automatically update the label's text.

<mx:Binding destination="label.text" source="Std.string(slider.value)"/>

Data bindings may also be declared inline by inserting Haxe expressions between curly braces { and }. We can create the same data binding directly on the declaration of the label. The following example creates the same data binding as the one above with the <mx:Binding> tag, but with curly braces instead. The GUI is declared usingh the HSlider and Label components from Feathers UI, and the numeric value the slider is passed to the label's text.

<f:HSlider id="slider"/>
<f:Label id="label" text="{Std.string(slider.value)}"/>

In both cases, the [`Std.string()]( method is called to convert the `Float` value to `String`, like one would need to do in plain Haxe code.

var f:Float = 123.4;
var s:String = Std.string(f);

The expression's type must be allowed to be assigned to the property's type, or a compiler error will be reported.